School Horses
Our 'Schoolies' are the superstars of KBS. We have a wide range of ponies and horses, from our lead ponies and plodders to our schoolmasters. Most of our Schoolies have either been retrained as projects, before being extensively assessed and trialled, or have been given to us by clients so they can keep teaching people how to ride, and be looked after well by us, for the rest of their lives.
While we have many different breeds of horses in our Riding School (Arabians, Welsh Ponies, Paint Horses- just to name a few!), a majority of our horses are Thoroughbreds that have joined us for a life after racing. These Thoroughbreds have been selected for their temperaments and willingness to work, and have undergone extensive professional training prior to joining the Riding School.
Our Schoolies all have specific diets to help maintain their condition, and regularly see chiropractors, the dentist, farrier, and the vet. All of our Schoolies are also rugged during the winter months, and have rostered days off and holidays.
While some of our Schoolies are older, they are semi retired and in lighter work. We find keeping them fit, along with our high level of care, keeps them active and in great condition- you wouldn't pick some of their ages!
If you think you may have a horse that would be suitable for the Riding School please get in touch with us!